Monday, January 31, 2011

Pigeons and Worrying

Pigeons and worrying
Matt 6:25-34
                I think everyone has an animal that they can’t stand. Some look at cockroaches and get so mad, while others take out fierce vengeance on ants. Personally, I can’t stand pigeons. They are disgusting creatures and are like aerial vermin. They find a place and nest for an eternity. Well I mean they might die off but their off spring will keep the nest going and going and going. The worst part is they poop all in the same area. I work at a church and we USED to have pigeons; it was very hectic. They would make huge piles of poop and there was only one guy that would clean it up…. Me.  It was a pain. I would have to get a bucket of water and get a brush to scrape off the hard feces off the pavement. The water would turn all green and white and it just looked nasty and then I would need to wash off that area.  One day, someone got fed up with them (don’t worry it was not me) and made them disappear.  There were a lot of them like 16 and overnight someone took care of my pooping problem.
                Anyway, there is a point to the pigeons. In Mathew 6:26 a verse states “Look at the birds in the sky! They don’t plant or harvest. They don’t even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren’t you worth more than birds?”  I know everyone has heard about not worrying, but some people just need to be reminded and encouraged. I’m personally glad that God does not treat me like that “someone” treated the pigeons at my church. No, he takes care of the birds every day and he promises me the same thing. He promises you that also. We have so much more value than a pigeon, yet God still takes care of them. If he does that, how much more will he take care of you? There is only one thing that God tells us to really focus on and that is to “…put God’s work first and do what he wants, Then other things will be yours as well” (vs. 33)
                The readers (though not a lot of readers) of this little daily bread may have tons to worry about. Some might have huge tests while others have huge ministry concerns. Whatever the case may be we should not worry. What is the point to worrying? Seriously ask yourself that. That same chapter has another awesome verse: “Can worry make you live longer?” (vs. 27). That is an extremely short verse yet it is really true. There is no real point to worrying; it only brings and medication. Anyway, I hope this encouraged you to not worry. I leave you with the last verse of the chapter which is self-explanatory: “Don’t worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.”

1 comment:

  1. I Just happen to get on face book Mark, You know mom, Not enough time in a day for me. But had a minute to get on the computer this morning. Ironic...Read your message. Do you think it was meant for me to read this morning...You tell me this nearly everyday and now I am reading it thru your eyes and your words again. Thanks Hun.....Very Good Words...A Very Good Reading...Love you...Mom
